1. When discussing the beautiful amethyst, the principal birthstone for February, it’s difficult to avoid using purple language.
That is correct. Amethyst is only available in purple, but don’t let that stop you from celebrating your February birthday in style. You’ve got so many choices when it comes to colour. With brighter and darker purples in amethyst’s range, you have complete control of your style.
It’s not a problem! Grape-colored amethyst is bold and vivid, and it’s pure purple, as you’d expect from THE purple gemstone. Amethyst, on the other hand, can have a reddish-tint interwoven with the purple, giving a wine-like colour that exudes poise and elegance, depending on mineral interactions.
You’re not a fan of bright colours? Lavender amethyst is a purple amethyst with a tinge of lavender. Lavender amethyst is the perfect addition to any ensemble without being too aggressive. It may not be the first thing that people notice, but it certainly won’t be the last.
2. Ametrine is a bi-color mix of purple amethyst and yellow citrine that is stunning.
The quartz family includes both amethyst and citrine. While it’s not typical for these two beautiful stones to appear together, it’s not impossible. That’s how we acquire ametrine, the lovely bi-color gemstone!
The word ametrine was created by combining the beginning of amethyst and the conclusion of citrine. Isn’t that ingenious? Although this gemstone isn’t a February birthstone, we think it’s worth mentioning. Ametrine’s bright colour combination isn’t something you see every day.
3. Uruguay’s Empress is a sight to behold. Do you want to learn more about this enchanted amethyst formation?
The magnificent Empress of Uruguay is still the world’s largest amethyst creation. This massive amethyst geode was unearthed in northern Uruguay and now resides in Australia’s Crystal Caves.
It took an incredible amount of effort to transport this geode. The Empress of Uruguay is about eleven feet tall and weighs over 5,000 pounds! It took months to extract it from the rock it was encased in, and even longer to transport it safely to the museum where it now resides. The amethyst crystals inside are a bright purple colour, and travellers from all over the world come to see it.
4. Saint Valentine and Leonardo Da Vinci both agree… The birthstone for February is a diamond worth wearing and admiring.
I’m sure you’ve heard of both of these names. Saint Valentine is credited with popularising Valentine’s Day, but did you know he also wore an amethyst ring? Although amethyst is a common stone among clergy, it is Saint Valentine who is remembered for wearing one. The stone complements his qualities of kindness and gentleness toward others. Who’d have guessed?
Leonardo Da Vinci is a well-known Renaissance thinker who set down his ideas on the qualities of amethyst. He believed that the birthstone for February may help to rid the mind of resentful and negative thoughts. If it sounds appealing, hang in there because it gets even better. Clearing your mind of these notions allows you to think more swiftly and clearly, enhancing your intelligence.
5. There’s a narrative about how amethyst came to be in Greek mythology (and it’s not what you’d anticipate).
When you come across something as gorgeous as amethyst, you know there’s had to be a storey behind it. While there is a legend around this alluring birthstone for February, it isn’t the most happy of tales. It’s a unique perspective on the origins that you’ve probably never heard before.
Dionysus, god of wine and merriment, was captivated by a beautiful nymph named Amethystos (sounds familiar?). Despite the fact that she was uninterested in him, he chased her relentlessly. While fleeing from him, she prayed to Artemis, the goddess of chastity, for protection from the god’s advances. Amethystos’ petition was answered by Artemis, who transformed her into a quartz statue.
Yes, you read that correctly. When Dionysus discovered her in this state, he wept for his lost love by pouring wine over the quartz, which turned Amethystos purple.
To be honest, it’s a bizarre narrative. But you have to hand it to them for coming up with the idea for February’s most popular birthstone.
6. Amethyst is said to help you keep a level head, even while you’re inebriated! However, we do not advise you to try it.
Aside from the stories surrounding amethyst, there’s more to how this gemstone earned its name. Amethyst is said to have the ability to keep people from getting inebriated. We don’t recommend trying this at home, but the ancient Greeks and Romans used amethyst goblets or dropped amethyst jewels into their drinks. Even if you wanted to keep partying, these purple stones were said to deter you from acting like a fool.
Now, there’s no scientific evidence for this, but the word amethyst means “not intoxicated” in Greek, so the legend lives on.
Other tribes believed that amethyst could also suppress bodily hunger. As a result, it became a popular present for unmarried young men and women, as it helped them escape certain temptations.
Amethyst is a stone that gives you the clarity, fortitude, and confidence you need to finish jobs, chores, and assignments on time. Hey, we understand that life isn’t always easy. But, if amethyst can do what it’s been reported to do throughout history, isn’t it worth a shot?
7. It is thought that amethyst has healing and relaxing powers… It’s ideal for providing a blast of calm to get you through the day.
Everyone needs a break from job, school, kids, or whatever else they’re up to in order to clear their heads. However, there are instances when you simply do not have the time to sit down and reflect on your views. Amethyst can help in this situation.
Throughout the day, your body is subjected to a great deal of physical and emotional stress. Amethyst is regarded to increase mental clarity, tranquilly, and the ability to discriminate between rational and irrational thought by many people. Amethyst is supposed to help cure numerous physical concerns, such as strengthening your immune system, curing sleeplessness, easing tension, healing injuries, and so on. We’re not suggesting that amethyst is the be-all and end-all, but it’s worth a go. Who knows, maybe you’ll be pleasantly pleased.
8. For fashionistas who like to think beyond the box, moonstone and black onyx are alternative February birthstones.
Are you not a fan of amethyst? We’re not going to hold it against you. There are two alternative birthstones for February that would be equally stunning.
Black onyx is elegant, edgy, and complex… it’s a lot for a single gemstone to be, but black onyx is that versatile. Moonstone, on the other hand, is a white gem that embodies the rainbow’s energy. Want to add a splash of colour to your ensemble? Moonstone will take care of you. If you’re looking for something different, try combining these two alternative birthstones for a dramatic yet elegant aesthetic.